Quick Rate Quote

North Carolina Housing Finance Agency
First Home Mortgage
30 year fixed rate (Conv, FHA, VA or USDA) at below market interest rate currently at 4.95%.
-Must be a first time home buyer and have not owed a principal residence in the past 3 years
-Cannot exceed annual household income
-Sales price does not exceed $220,000 for new construction or $210,000 for existing
MCC (Mortgage Credit Certificate):
The MCC is a 20& tax credit that can reduce the federal tax owned by the homeowner each and every year they occupy the home as their primary residence.
-Cannot exceed annual household income
-MCC must be used with a 30 year fixed loan (Conv, FHA, VA or USDA)
Down Payment Assistance of $8000 or $4000
$8000 DP Assistance- Must be with their First Home mortgage. Buyer pays $1000 out of pocket and the loan pays up to $8000 of the balance. Buyer must meet the sales guidelines as the First Home Mortgage.
$4000 DP Assistance- This is for buyer that their income is higher than the household income required for the $8000 DP. Buyer has to have $1000 out of pocket and the loan pays up to $4000 that can be used for down payment or closing costs.
City of Gastonia DPA
The program’s objective is to provide funds for modest income families for downpayment and closing cost to purchase a home by working with local lenders with CRA, FHA, and USDA loan products.
Applicant must be a resident of Gaston County but not within the city limits of High Shoals or Spencer Mountain or be a resident of the city limits of Kings Mountain, Cleveland County. If client is currently a resident within the city limits of Kings Mountain, Cleveland County but are moving to Gaston County, income will be based on the county where they currently reside. Must be a first time homebuyer, displaced homebuyer or not have owned a home within the last three years. Applicant’s income cannot exceed 80% of area’s median income per family size. The income guidelines are subject to change annually:
Gaston Cleveland
1 person $37,250 $28,500
2 persons $42,550 $32,550
3 persons $47,900 $36,650
4 persons $53,200 $40,700
5 persons $57,450 $43,950
6 persons $61,700 $47,200
7 persons $65,950 $50,450
8 persons $70,200 $53,700
Base/regular income along with child support, bonus, overtime and/or commission income will be used to determine qualifying income. Written verification of all household members over the age of 18 will be used to determine total family income. Applicant’s assets cannot exceed $20,000.
City of Raleigh Program
Up to $20,000 for down payment assistance. Ratios must be in line at 31/43. Buyer must be in their income limits per household members.
House Charlotte Program
House Charlotte offers down payment assistance of up to $10,000 for qualified buyers in select “challenged” neighborhoods. Down payment assistance of up to $7,500 for qualified buyers in select “transitioning” and select “stable” neighborhoods. Pre-purchase home buyer education is required.
City of Durham Program
The Department of Community Development administers affordable housing programs on behalf of the city of Durham. These programs include subordinate lending for many types of residential properties, including attached and detached single-family homes and condominium town homes. The department’s homeownership purchase assistance programs provide funding for second mortgage loans to households for the purchase of a home.
The sources of funding are housing bond program income, CDBG, HOME Investment Partnerships and American Dream Down Payment Initiative (ADDI) funds. All loans have low interest rates and require immediate amortized repayment.
The City of Durham loans are underwritten to assure full repayment of funds utilizing program guidelines and underwriting criteria. The Cuty staff and its originating and underwriting agesnt will closely review all applications for compliance, eligibility, and loan approval.
If you are purchasing a foreclosure property, you may be eligible for $14,900 in down payment and closing cost assistance. The five-year, 0% interest deferred loans for eligible properties and borrowers is available through North Carolina Housing Finance Agency.
For more information, please contact us at 404-601-4152.

Disclaimer: All loans are subject to credit approval.